Archive for the Computer Woes Category


Posted in Computer Woes, Goals, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on March 17, 2014 by madelincwolf

It’s time for a lot of things in my life to change.  Spring has always been a time for me to make, or attempt to make changes in my life.  This year signals that changes in physical activity and a revamped eating plan are in order.  After two bouts of forced inactivity last year, I have lost a certain amount of fitness, which was not that good to begin with.  Exercise for the sake of exercise alone has been one of my life-long dislikes.  More so that it takes away time for other more cerebral pursuits than an inherent dislike of moving my body.  Alas, now it is necessary to forgo the reluctance to spend time on this pursuit and get with it.  Walking is my choice.  Aiming for the advised goal of 30 minutes a day is what I am committing to.  Wish me luck!

Another biggie is getting a new computer.  I am frustrated with my current computer and want a new MAC.  I’ve thought of fixing my other old G5… new power supply and mother board (new RAM did nothing).  I would spend less money but would it be worth it?  This problem has caused me to stop blogging and that is definitely something I want to change.  Everyone keeps telling me to just get a cheaper PC and be done with it.  I am in a quandary not sure which way to go.  So, I am almost through with this post and so far Safrari hasn’t quit yet. Woo hoo!  More will be revealed.