Archive for found tables

Fabulous Friday Finds is Back!

Posted in Found Objects with tags , , , on August 31, 2012 by madelincwolf

Last week was a difficult one and I missed posting the FFF’s and the 5 Fact Friday.  I just have to be easy with myself during this emotional time.  I also had to work on getting my computer to put out for me.  Still not sure that the problem is completely fixed.  In any case, my find is pictured below.  This cute table had my name all over it. My daughter and I were returning from Costco one Saturday recently.  I went by too fast and my daughter made me go round the block to check it out.  We left the shoes that were on top.  Fortunately it fit in the back seat as the trunk was full.  I just love it!  The reflection on the table top of the tongue-and-groove wall behind is something I didn’t notice until I resized the photo.  The table top seems to merge with the wall.